Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thought this was a neat graphic representation- story of stuff etc


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Task 6: The story of bottled water

Task 6: The story of bottled water

The story of bottled water is a graphic representation movie of how the world is obsessed with stuff. With icons it shows how the world is in crisis. A good quote from the video is: "we are trashing the planet- trashing each other- and not even having fun". It shows how disrespectful we are to the planet and that it is not even doing any good.

In the video, we discover that bottled water is lower quality, loses taste test against local tap, and cost thousands times more. So why do we drink it? The answer lies in manufactured demand. As companies grow, they make more stuff and get people to feel they need this new product. They manipulate people into buying more things with advertisements that SCARE, SEDUCE, and MISLEAD the consumer.

Clean water is free and everyone should have access to this. If you live in an area with safe drinking water, you should know that 1/3 of bottled water comes from tap water. 80% of all bottles end up in a landfill somewhere. In short, the film notes that bottled water money should be used for tap water. Interventions such as drinking fountains should be implemented to allow easier access to water in public places.