Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thought this was a neat graphic representation- story of stuff etc


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Task 6: The story of bottled water

Task 6: The story of bottled water

The story of bottled water is a graphic representation movie of how the world is obsessed with stuff. With icons it shows how the world is in crisis. A good quote from the video is: "we are trashing the planet- trashing each other- and not even having fun". It shows how disrespectful we are to the planet and that it is not even doing any good.

In the video, we discover that bottled water is lower quality, loses taste test against local tap, and cost thousands times more. So why do we drink it? The answer lies in manufactured demand. As companies grow, they make more stuff and get people to feel they need this new product. They manipulate people into buying more things with advertisements that SCARE, SEDUCE, and MISLEAD the consumer.

Clean water is free and everyone should have access to this. If you live in an area with safe drinking water, you should know that 1/3 of bottled water comes from tap water. 80% of all bottles end up in a landfill somewhere. In short, the film notes that bottled water money should be used for tap water. Interventions such as drinking fountains should be implemented to allow easier access to water in public places.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Project1-Poster1: research

Project1-Poster2: research insights

Project1-Poster3: inpiration

Project1-Poster4: product poster

Project1-Poster5: storyboard

Project1-Poster6: orthographic drawings

Project1-Poster7: sewing pattern

Project1 Refection

The process of this project was slightly different than I am used to at my home University. Here, we researched as a group and at the same time came up with concepts. At home, the research and "process" of coming up with concepts lasts for a longer period of time. Here I was immersed in my chosen concept from the very beginning. This could be good and bad. On one hand, here you will spend the majority of the time developing the concept you have chose, and therefore it will look complete. However, since the research/development phase is so much shorter, this could negatively affect the overall concept and purpose of the final design. Having this background, of importance of project research INSIGHTS, I feel my project was well influenced by thorough research.

When I began working on the model, I was very nervous because I didn't know if my mini-models would translate well onto the real material I was using. I decided I would up-cyle wool from a stained coat to make the model and decided that would be a feasible option for low-cost and low-earth-impact manufacture. The final model came out kind of cute! I was hoping it wouldn't be "too cute" so that many ages of children would want to use it, and I feel I succeeded. It has a "muppet" look for younger kids- while at the same time having an "UglyDolls" (popular stuffed animal in the US) appeal for older kids.

Project1 Rationale

‘Security-Kid’ Rationale

Evacuating for a bushfire is a traumatic experience for a child.

My concept aims to relieve a child’s confusion, anxiety, and worry- before and during bushfire evacuation. ­This concept is a kit designed for children (approximately 3-8years) that promotes bushfire education, provides psychological comfort and a practical assurance of safety. This product uses up-cycled wool materials to build the main section. With low-cost of manufacture, the kit is also accessible to low-income families.

Need for this product

Children living in a high-risk bushfire location are carrying a heavy weight: constantly waiting for evacuation. They are often worried about their homes and their parents. Children are often left out of a proper explanation of bushfires and therefore remain anxious even when there is no concern for safety.

“Children traumatized by the Black Saturday bushfires are experiencing a fresh wave of fear as predictions spread of another horror fire season, a child psychiatry expert says” (Michelle Draper, Herald Sun).

"What we are finding is that children are very much affected by their exposure to trauma, that many children will have concerns that they might die'' (Prof Newman, Herald Sun).

Product benefits

Education: The “Security-Kid” would be distributed to primary schools to promote bushfire education. Schoolteachers would dedicate one a day a year to bushfire awareness. During this day, children will become familiar with the use of the “Security-Kid” and learn methods of individual prevention of bushfires. The kit facilitates questions that children often have difficulty verbalizing. It serves as a barrier for a child to express feelings and in tern, relieves confusion.

Practical needs: The “Security-Kid” provides essential elements to ensure safety. Although most of the items will (most likely) never be used, they provide assurance of safety. A visual list of the contents is sketched on the back to make remembering items easier for both child and parent.

Items provided in the kit:

Smoke mask




Recommended personal items:


Favorite toy

Psychological comfort: In addition to practical needs, the elements of the kit provide psychological comfort for a child evacuating their home in a bushfire. For a child, knowing they have everything they need to evacuate, eases anxiety during that stressful time.

“Security-Kid” is also a comfort object during stressful times and a safe- heaven for the child's favorite possessions. The “huggable” bag designates a home for a comfort object commonly carried among children. Prior to evacuation, children are familiarized with the “Security-Kid” which becomes a friendly household item that provides comfort when separated from familiar surroundings.

Materials explanation

“Security-Kid” is made completely out of fire-resistant materials. Up-cycled wool coats and blankets are used to make up the “Security-Kid” body. Even though it is unlikely that the “Security-Kid” will be exposed to embers, fire-safe materials help keep peace-of-mind and in tern reduce worry.